sustainabilityWe have some simple overriding sustainability principles which we endeavour to pursue on all projects where applicable and they include some of the following:
Tried and tested methods– are promoted such as super enhanced insulation and working with the site ecology - a fabric first approach.
Minimising overheating– by avoiding excessively glazed facades and single aspect layouts for residential. Exploit thermal mass and stack effect.
Ensuring longevity – with quality materials that are properly detailed – this has proven to be the best route to good value as well as ensuring solutions are low-maintenance.
Embodied energy– and recyclability influences our choice of national, local and renewable materials.
Green Roofs– combined with rainwater harvesting to minimise run-off and improve the ecological value of a site. We also encourage biodiversity by promoting planting – even where only small areas are possible.
Working with end-user clients– means that there is an uninhibited interest in whole life cost assessments.
Sustainable Transport – promoting cycling and walking throughout our projects and ensuring the infrastructure is in place for them from the outset.